Topic: Update
we are really doing we guys
we are currently still working on our ten songs by summer project and look ahead for proper gigs
cant wait
we have loads of fun playing
since we got ournew drummer we havnt had time to update the site so soon we will go on a big updating spree
our goal is to tottaly change the look every 1000
visitors we have
and soon we will have a guest book
which will be tight
our band are so much better on stage
and our demo is sooo cool
so we are really gonna rock
i think i'll keep a weekly update on this blog
about our rehursals
whcih happen every saterday
and our problems
which happen now and then
and our
song which are written all the time
one song a week is how we have to do it to reach our goal of ten songs by the end of summer term
we have about seven
and we want to do two covers
so thats 12
and to make our set complete we want three more
to make sure
so at the end we want 15 songs to be written before our demo is complete
and we start doing killer gigs
so if we do ten song by summer
and 2 covers
and three songs by semptember
next year all we will be doing is rehursing
writing a little
and giging
also by then we would have done our video
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Posted by thesumthings
at 1:33 PM BST